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Windows NT / 2000 TimeSync NTP | |
� Overview � TimeSync Errors and Warnings � UTC \ GMT required all year round.� Synchronising the time across sub-nets OverviewThe Timesync NTP application is a client, server application that is used to ensure the correct time across a network of computers. The Timesync application is based on Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) which requires TCP/IP as a medium for data transmission. Software Installation� To install the software drivers for windows NT, please proceed as follows : � You must be logged on as an ADMINISTRATOR to install the software. � Make sure all cables are properly connected and that your PC is turned on. Close all running programs, insert the driver disk into the 3.5� drive and execute the program� A:\SETUP.EXE. � To do so, click START in the task bar and choose, Run��. Then type in the command line a:\setup. Alternatively, you can execute SETUP.EXE also by double clicking the symbol ,,SETUP.EXE� in the corresponding Explorer window of drive A: � Let the set-up program guide you through the installation process. The following errors and warnings may be produced by the Windows NT TimeSync NTP clock drivers in the application event log. Can't open port �The specified serial port could not be opened. Solution: The specified serial port is most likely being used by another application or does not exist. Either change the serial port specified, or the application using the serial port must relinquish control of the resource. No response from atomic clock. The service cannot communicate with the atomic clock. Solution: Check that the clock is plugged into the specified serial port. Check the connections to the clock. Check the clock is powered on. Clock data incorrect length. Length = �, Data = �. The service received an invalid message from the atomic clock. Solution: This may be due to a communications error, or an incorrect serial port is specified. Atomic Clock battery low. This message should only appear when a battery powered clock unit is used. Solution: The batteries in the clock unit are low and require changing. Remove the clock unit from the host computer before changing batteries. Atomic Clock has valid time, but no signal reception. The clock has lost time signal broadcasts. Solution: Reposition the antenna until the time signal is regained. Atomic Clock has not synchronised with time signal. The clock has not received a time signal broadcast to set its internal clock. Solution: Reposition the antenna until the time signal is received. UTC \ GMT required all year round.If your PC�s are required to be set to GMT, UTC or Zulu time continuously, without switching to daylight saving time (BST, British Summer Time), deselect the Daylight Saving Time option in the windows time properties. Synchronising the time across sub-netsThe time can be synchronised across entire sub-nets by entering the the subnet broadcast address in the list of broadcast addresses on the Broadcast NTP/NTP tab. NTP broadcasts can be enabled by checking the �Enable NTP Broadcasts� check box. The default broadcast frequence is 64 seconds, but this can be easily modified using the �Broadcast Frequency� slider. Broadcast NTPNTP broadcasts can be enabled by checking the �Enable NTP Broadcasts� check box. The default broadcast frequence is 64 seconds, but this can be easily modified using the �Broadcast Frequency� slider. Unicast NTPUnicast NTP communication is set up by default and requires no configuration of Timesync NTP to enable. Setting the time on clientsIn order to set the time on client machines the TimeSync NTP client software must be installed on each of the clients. NTP broadcasts must also be enabled on the TimeSync NTP server application. See Broadcast NTP
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